Burpsuite Learning-resources
Burp Suite is a popular tool used for web application
security testing and penetration testing.
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Cybersecurity Training platforms
Cybersecurity hands-on training involves practical
exercises and simulations that enable individuals to develop and
enhance their technical skills
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BugBounty Checklist ✅
This checklist may help you to have a good methodology for bug bounty hunting
When you have done a action, don't forget to check
Happy hunting !
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CyberApoclypse CTF 2k23
Cyber Apocalypse is back. Ready for a mission through space and time? Join the biggest hacking competition of the year!
Forensic Challenge
Hackthebox University CTF 2022
It was a University Wise CTF event held by HackTheBox with 942 teams participating from different universities across the world. This is a writeup for one of the few challenges we solved in the event.!
Web Challenge